Sunday, September 26, 2010

Is it just me??

Is it just me, or am I asking a bit to much of people?

Ok so you cant really answer that til I explain what led me to ask that so heres the story...

My girls are TINY. Like Im betting that one of my friends baby that was born just a wee two weeks ago weights more than both of them (not combine, just more than the heaviest of the two) I've been told to be careful of them getting sick (DUH) and staying away from people that feel "bad" etc. The NORMAL things moms hear from a doctor.

So is it asking to much for the people who see them the most and want to love and cuddle them to get their Flu and Pertussis Shots?

My Answer: HELL NO

I have asked VERY NICELY for people to get their flu shot and when they do IF THEY WANT TO SEE THEM IN THE FOLLOWING TWO WEEKS AFTER THE SHOT to get the Inactive version... (if they want the active, which supposedly is better, then expect me to say absolutely no visits for 2 wks)

Did they listen?? NO.

So they show up and cuddle the girls and THEN tell me..."Well I didnt know there were two different kinds" Like we didnt have this conversation just 3 days prior to them going under the needle...pssh.

Wouldn't it have been really important information for me to know that you even got the shot in the first place?? Only then would I have had the frame of mind to ask if it was active or inactive! And if she didn't know the answer she would have ample time to find out which one she got!

So NOW I have to worry about my little girls getting the flu which USUALLY leads to Pneumonia in small children and the person who brought this into our home DOES NOT CARE. Or if she does shows a HUGE lack of emotion.

And...I guess in a huge lack of "no brains at all" my husband of all people doesn't seem to show the slightest care or concern about this at all! HELLO?!

So again I ask, is it me or am I asking a bit to much of people?


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Birth - Discretion is Advise

So I have had alot of people question me on how I gave birth to my girls. Most of the time it was face to face and I would give the horrid "Seriously? You really think I'm gonna tell YOU?" look...then I decided what is there to hide?

I was again recently asked how my birthing experience was because a friend of a friends cousins childs blah blah is pregnant with twins. So here ya experience from beginning to end.

I started contracting Mid-December soooo 4 months before the babies were due. I was put in the hospital over night. Then again due to contractions and my cervix deciding to dilate I was again put in the hospital for TWO nights in January. Then for a grand finale I was finally put in the hospital for the entire month of February, including the last 4 days of January, and the first 4 days of March. Contracting, cervix "widening" whatever.

Went home for three days (this is the super short version can you tell?) and went back to have my girls. I was dilated at 2cm when I arrived at the hospital at 2 pm Saturday afternoon. By roughly 3pm I was dilated to 3cm. I was giving the epidural at 5 cm at roughly 7pm (yea so I fell asleep between those 2cm and luckily for me they know you never wake a pregnant lady in labor hahaha

directly after my epidural was given my water was broken. I went BACK TO SLEEP til they checked me at 430am and I was 100% effaced, 100% Dilated, and ready to push. So I guess it was time I woke up completely...(I seriously think I could have slept thru delivery)

So at that time I was wheeled into the OR and was placed into position to give birth naturally.

Now twin mommies to be, DO NOT be surprised when you look around and see 15 people in that room with you not including your partner and doctor.

Now, be advise that I was NOT given more epidural since I was given the initial amount way back at 7pm. I don't mind, he was preoccupied with getting me to stop heaving (yea, morning sickness right up to birth, ugh thank god for massive amounts of liquid zofran)

From the time I was wheeled into the OR and wheeled back out (20+ lbs lighter I might add!) was exactly 46 minutes. Both girls came out naturally, 14 minutes apart. What helped was as soon as C was born two nurses in either side of my belly held K down and moved her to the middle so she wouldn't turn. Kinda neat i think.

I had about 10 stitches and that was it! No NICU for the girls, LOTS of rest for me. I was back to sleep minutes after reaching my labor room. Needless to say my experience isn't all exciting as people might think. I did finally get some pain medicine at some point. But that was the last time because even the stitches didn't bother me enough to take even Tylenol. High pain tolerance for me came very apparent after all this!

So theres my birth story laid out in detail. I'm so glad I had my husband, mom, dad, and my friends Erin and Autry there with me! Even if I was out of it 90% of the time lol

Six months later the girls are doing wonderfully and I have to say they are the best things in the world to ever happen to me! <3

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A little late...

Sale alert, after the sale.... =(

I know I'm horrible! I should be blogging away to you ABOUT the sale, instead of well...attending the sale! But in all fairness I didn't purchase A THING! =] Be proud!

Here go two wonderful recipts I got my hands on!!

Ok one...because I can't find the other! But, I will tell you the gist of what that one said after the following!

Items purchased from JC Penneys:

1 Carters Interlock Slipper Pink (aka Pajamas) Reg Price 14.00$
1 Carters Interlock Slipper Pink Reg Price 14.00$
1 Carters Interlock Slipper Purple Reg Price 14.00$
1 Carters Interlock Slipper Purple Reg Price 14.00$

Ok, this is a SIMPLER purchase so keep up cause I'm cutting back on my typing =]

Each set of Pjs cost 14.00$ reg. They were on sale upon arrival with a discount of 6.01$ on each set. PLUS, if you spend over 25.00$ you get 10.00$ off the entire purchase, so add to the intial discount another discount of 2.50$ bringing the grand discount total of 8.51$ off EACH set of Pjs. Thus, bringing the total for EACH set to 5.49$.

Subtotal: 21.96
Tax: 1.81

TOTAL 23.77$

Total Savings 34.04!!! WOOT!!!

Second Recipe that I have seen, but cant remember the exact bare with me!

Sterling silver bracelets with leather cords regularly 35.00$ on sale for 9.99$!

Buy 3 at 10 dollars and you have spent a subtotal of 30 dollars. Take away the 10 dollars by using the coupon listed above (get with me honey and you can have dozens of coupons!) Brings the subtotal 20 dollars plus tax brings us to a grand-ish total of 23 dollars and change!!!


See, who knew shopping could be fabulous and cheap!!!


Hearty Chicken Noodle Casserole

This is a have to share moment =]


3 cups cooked and drained egg noodles
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 cup Milk
1/4 cup parmesan grated cheese
1 cup frozen mixed veggies
1/2 tsp pepper
1 bag of shredded cheese

In a 9x13 pan mix all but the shredded cheese!! Top with a heeping helping of shredded cheese and bake in the over for 15-20 minutes at 400 degrees!! You can also vary the amount of the ingredients to your liking!!!

I usually use about 5 or more cups of noodles because...well I LOVE noodles!! Its great reheated from the freezer, and its so quick and cheap you can make it often!! Eat up!!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Time to Make CHANGES!

So I have been thinking...not lately, I ALWAYS think...just happens that today of all days I decide I want to talk about this thinking thing of mine.

I think I might actually begin to blog again. Yes AGAIN I have said I will do this and it may or may not last (because we all know I can be busy at times) but at least I know that I have giving up twice before and I'm not trying to hide behind it.

The girls are getting so big now that they are starting to get out of their nap nannies. Thus, I have taken it upon myself to start and finally get their nusery ready! They have been in our room long enough! I have picked out the paint (pink - Saltwater Taffy from Valspar to be exact) with a creamy off white for the edges and doors! Can you tell Im excited?

I'm also thinking about posting about all my ways to save. Like lets see....

ohh see this outfit....

Ok, I bought TWO of these this past Thursday from Bealls. They are regularly 28.00$ a piece. I spent 13.72$ How you might ask? Here I go...
They were on sale when I arrived for 30% off = 19. and change because everyone knows I don't do math.
So I come baring aother 30% coupon! (luckily I had my trusted side kick my Mommy :) who also came baring Achem...another 30% coupon ehehe)
So, are we clear, already 30% off, plus my 30% off coupon = 60% off which is around 13. and change.
THEN! I was lucky enough to have come on the day before tax free day and was able to get 20% off on top of all that!
again....30% plus my 30% plus 20% equals my grand total of 80% off so after buying TWO of these I spent 13.72$!
I bought 3-6 month sizes so of course my little bits cannot pose in them just yet, but I will post pictures later! =]

Thursday, July 8, 2010

4 Months Old

So as of yesterday the girls are now 4 months old! Time has certainly flown by! They have gone from little bitty babies that had no expression, slept almost every hour except for needing to eat to little bigger but still tiny babies that smile, giggle, play, grab, stay awake most of the day, sleep 12 hours a night eat with a spoon, and bottle fed only 3 times a day. Its crazy how time changes things even if it is for the better. Righ now as I type I look over at my precious baby girls and get giggled at as Katherine throws her legs up into the air and Callie farts, sneezes and then lets out the cutest little laugh. So adorable if I do say so myself =]

Half the time I think, when did they grow up?! Then the other half I cannot wait for them to get to this mile stone, or to the other. I cant wait to hear their voices, see them really crawl, pull up, walk, their hair to grow lol...

Well yea short, but sweet love you!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pictures that YOU help me win!

Thank you so much for voting! If you love these photos you should see all the others she has posted on her facebook! Just search for Photography by Maria!!! Shes very inexpensive but very good!!! Just a warning, she does NOT have a studio, but she can come to your place (or any other place) or she will suggest an outdoor spot!!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

2 months later....

So yes I know, I have again gone down the road of not completing a task that I swore I would keep up with and I could come up with a millon and one excuses why, but the biggest is I can't get the plug-in for blogger to download onto MY computer and Davids computer drives me crazy. So I decided today I would allow myself to take an hour to get onto Blogger just to leave this really longgg blog. Be excited! =D

Sooo lets get our apples in a row here...I haven't been on here since April 4th. So since then the girls have turned one month....

At 4 wks, Katherine was started on Cereal. Because of her reflux the dr wanted to try this one last thing before having to go in and see whats going on internally (SCARY!) So basically its a gravity thing. The thickness of the cereal should (cross fingers) keep the formula down. Now I know I'm just back tracking here, but with just formula Kat was using a premmie nipple and going to a Y nipple for cereal choked her (more SCARY!) so we decided without dr permission to use a spoon, so by 5wks my little bit was using a spoon...and her hands...and her feet...but the good news is that it worked!!! Along with her sitting in her nap nanny!!

Then on May 7th, the girls turned 2 months old (please tell me where that time went...i would really like it back! on replay if possible!)

They have also become well traveled individuals! They have been in Bastrop, TX, Austin, TX, Dallas, TX, Shreveport, LA, Breaux Bridge, LA as well as local towns and we are looking at a possible trip up north to Ilinois...maybe Virgina!

They have also got to meet alot of their family by this time! They got to meet their Great Aunt and Uncle Kendell, Great Uncle Dan, Great Granna, of course their grand parents. Their Aunt Julia and various close close friends of the family!

During the last minute trip to Dallas (seriously last minute) the girls got to ride around the on the Tram and then got to meet their Uncle Shay who was in Iraq when they were born and was on a layover in Dallas for his permanant return! So that was really really awesome!!

Hes not proud at all!! =D

On May 21st the girls got to get in the pool for the first time! (pictures will be posted later!) They both enjoyed themselves very much! Katherine feel alseep in my arms and Callie kicked her legs and loved it when her Daddy poured water on her back lol

We also have been getting smiled at ALOT! Katherine was the first to smile (she seems to be first at everything even though she was born second!) but she was the last to get a picture of her smiling. Callie was VERY stingy with her smiles. She starting to let them slip to everyone but it still takes her time to do it. You have to be really funny to get that from her hahaha

Then this past monday it hit me....they turned 3 months old. Seriously where does this time go???

They are starting to sleep through the night on a regular basis. They have gone 9 hours between feedings 4 nights in a row, and for the past 2 weeks have gone between 7 - 8 hours every night. Its really great that since the cereal has started at 4 weeks they immediately started sleeping 6 hours a night so now going up to 9 hours is great for mommy and daddy!!
On another note, David is putting in for jobs back in Austin. We moved back not only because his job at Camp Swift was ending, but because I was already having a really hard pregnancy at 6 wks so coming back up here to be around family was a blessing. But now the girls are here and we have a great schedule going, its time we go back to where we left our heart. So cross everything in hopes that he lands a job at Mabry so we can go back down there. I know it will hurt my mom for us to leave, along with his parents, but any job he gets is better than the one he has and we truely miss it down there. So until the next time!! <3>

oh and just a quick update on their sizes! As of their 2 month check up Callie was 7lbs 2 oz, Katherine 6lbs 10 oz. They are both in newborn clothes and diapers and will probably be in the clothes for AT LEAST another month because most are HUGE on both of them!! =]

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Two Days Later

So we went back to the doctor after the 48 hours and Katherine gained 2 ounces and Callie gained 3! So what the doctor has decided to do is take them off of breastmilk completely and just do formula because obviously they aren't doing so well on my milk. In part because of me having to be on Soy and also having to split my milk between 2 lil mouths. Not that it can't be done, just not by me! So we have another appointment this coming up friday for another weight check and hopefully both my lil girls will finally be above 5 lbs! Im so excited!! We also have a big week ahead of us because on Wednesday the girls turn 1 month old!!! Happy 1 month birthday my lil love bugs!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Update - Dr. Appt #2

So we went into the doctor today for a weight check and the girls have not gained enough weight to satisfy our pediatrician. So for the next two days the girls will be on complete soy formula.

Why do you ask? Basically my breastmilk is not fatty enough for them to actually gain weight. So for the next 48 hours (if not longer) not only are the girls going to be strictly on formula (I will still be pumping and storing) but I will be on a supplement to help fatten up my milk. See what it is is that I need to drink soy milk because the girls are on soy formula. Well because I have to drink soy as well, I'm not getting the fat from normal milk to pass through my breastmilk to them. So I need the supplement to help me fatten my milk up! (sorta like how the soy formula is not just soy milk, it contains supplements as well!!)

ON TOP OF THAT! I have had this rash of hives for about a week now....the doctor now feels its not just the dreft that caused it...or has allowed it to stay this stress. So he has perscribed me rest and to relax. Easier said than done when about 9 hours a day I am alone with the girls and then the other two people in the house work so I do night duty for the most part as well! Omg computer about to die! Well finish later!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

4 wks worth of updates! =]

Sooo last we spoke we had just had our baby shower and I had just gotten released from the hospital to spend the remainder of my pregnancy at home! That was Feb 25th! Since then ALOT has happened.

On Monday March 1st we did another sonogram and Callie was soooo far down that they couldn't even measure her head accurately! That night I ended up going into the hospital after talking to the on call doctor because I was feeling some pretty serious contractions. After 3 hours of no dilatation they sent me back home! That Friday (March 5th) we had yet another sono and still could not get an accurate measurement on Callie and I felt MISERABLE! So David and I trudged on over to my doctors office and pulled out my pouty face. I felt horrible, I couldn't sit comfy, and the contractions sucked. So my doctor asked if I could still fell them moving around and I hadn't really felt Callie moving (and shes our soccer player!) for a few days so she winked and said if I didn't feel her by that evening at the earliest or the following day just go to the hospital and tell the on call doctor that if I am not dilating that she wants me to stay til Monday and she would induce me then. So I gave myself 24 hours and just took my time packing my hospital bag and loaded up and went to the hospital. They hooked me up to the machine and we just hung out. In two hours I went from 1cm to 3cm and the on call doctor said the best words a person in my perdicament could here, we are having babies tonight!! WOOOHOOO!!!!

I was transferred to a labor room, given an epidural, my water was broken and I fell alseep from 3cm to 7 hahaha

By the next day our two baby girls were born! At 35 wks and 4 days and delivered vaginally! WOOTWOOT!

Neither of them had to go to the NICU and they were able to come home two days after delivery!

Since then we have had our 2 wk appointment with the ped dr and they have done really well! Katherine was unable to get her shots when we were at the hospital due to her size, and she still did not recieve her shots at the 2wk appointment due to the same reason, but we have another appt this tuesday for weight check and hopefully she can get her shots then. We have only had 2 sleepless nights but that has been it! From the get go they slept anywhere from 3 to 4 1/2 hours between feedings and now they are up to 6 or so hours, and have gone from eating less than 2oz to at the most 3 1/4oz. They are both still in preemie diapers and clothes (though Callie is a few days from moving to newborn clothes). I am breastfeeding (mostly pumping but all the same!) So everything is going quiet well! More updates to happen later!! Love you!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Shower and Surprise!!!

So this past Saturday was my or should I say "our" baby shower! David surprised me a few days before the shower by randomly asking if he could come! I was sooo shocked! Never in my wildest dreams did I think to ask my husband to come to the shower, let alone that he WANTED to come to the shower! But of course I said yes because that is the awesomest thing ever to have a husband who wants to be apart of every aspect of a pregnancy! And mine, is defiantly that man. The shower was a big deal for me because a week before we decided to move it from Marshall to the hospital so I could be invovled, which is great because I really really did NOT want to miss that! I know people looked down on the fact that we had it in a hospital and not at the orginal spot, but what is a shower without the preggo, and it was being held in honor of the pregnancy so why get all mad if the preggo wanted to be there? Just askin! So anyways, I was so surprised when the shower started that ALOT of people actually came! 22 attended the shower and 23 ultimately came! It was great seeing everyone since I had been stuck in that hospital for almost a month! The girls got ALOT of cute things too! Like all these personalized things such as embroidered fleece blankets, pacifers, these pink stretchy things that you put on their bottles or sippy cups, and a couple of sets of oneies. On top of that they got lots of clothes! My favorite besides this one set of the personalized oneies, was a box of clothes that had an outfit for ever season for the next year in the correct sizes!! That took some serious thinking! and ooo my favorite AWWWW moment was when Lani gave DAVID a present! It was sooo sweet! The present was a set of matching oneies that are light purple and say "My finger my be small...but I have my daddy wrapped around it!" Now anyone who knows my husband knows he is always trying to be Mr. Badass, Hardcore, I'm a man, I don't show emotion. But he melted like a ice cube on a heated stove top! Soooo AWWWW!!! lol We didn't get ANY duplicates! (past the first two given, because duh they are twins so most of the outfits given matched lol) The cake was awesome and I probably could have finished the entire thing but I held off on just having two large corner pieces!! hahaha It was just overall a great shower! My aunt from Chicago even flew in so thats how awesome these things can be!! lol Now to tell you my surprise....


I am offically HOME! Yes you read right! I am home! Because at 34 weeks I am considered out of the "preterm" labor woods, there is no need to keep in the hospital to prevent it. That said, if I go into labor anytime from here on out they WILL NOT stop me! Woot! We put one thing of prevention into place on Monday which was a Dellautin shot to cover me til this coming Monday so I wouldn't expect anything til after then! Both the girls are currently head down so if they will please stay that way it will much better during delivery!! haha Try telling Katherine that! (she's the one that can switch between head up and head down!) So I am home, I am overwhelmed with all this baby stuff everywhere! We have 2 highchair boxes, 2 crib boxes, bags that need to be gone through, clothes to be washed, thank you notes to be written, clothes to be folded, the room isn't completely finished, stroller and the box, its just crazy. So with that said I am really thinking about taking some time and not accepting phone calls or visitors. Maybe phone calls but if I dont know why!!! , but no visitors (unless we already have plans, I refuse to cancel that cause I am really excited!) Of course I cannot do alot of the things to clean up around here, but I can fold clothes and put them away where I want them to be (also known as where they can be found hahaha) and of course the Thank you notes...but with me being back I can bug and nag to get things done better than I could from my hospital bed!! lmfao Well nap time again!! Talk to you soon!!!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Whirlwind of a week? Yea right! =]

So as of today I have offically been in the hospital for a week. Not much has changed over the days since I was first admitted except my contractions have slowed down to a much needed crawl. I still cannot feel but just a select few and even those are something to be proud of if in fact they were coming at the appropriate time. But of course we still have the minimum of 5 more weeks left for these two lil ones so at this time I must say I am a little concerned that the contractions are happening. In case you are pulling out your medical book to see what I could be taking to stop these things, don't worry. I have been put on a strict every four hour set of pills that have helped in stopping them, just obviously not all. Though I feel I should be freaking out at the thought that I am still have contractions, I am not. Actually I am probably the calmest person right now when speaking on this subject. Because I feel that if it was a serious threat to the health and well being of my children my doctor would be showing some concern. So if she is calm, I can be calm. I cannot say the same about Callie and Katherine however! See I have been told to limit ALL activity to nothing. So I basically sit in bed or on this funky couch watching TV or sleeping all day. Six times a day however, a Nurse and a PCT come in for vitals on me and the girls and thats when the fun really begins. The girls think that it is fun to give the nurses a hard time trying to get their heartbeats. They give me about five seconds worth then whoosh...roll....push....and they have flipped away from the prob and the game is on to find the heartbeat and once again try and count. So they get all the fun, and I get to sit back and feel or watch! The girls are currently at an even 3 pounds a piece so it is safe to say that with all the extra excerise they are getting, they are still at a normal weight gain and doing just fine! I will get to see them today because among the jackpot of medicines I take or inject, the tests that get ran, I also get two sonograms a week. I am not sure it will be a long enough sono to make a DVD but I have one just in case and will of course share! So until next time!


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hospitals Suck Dude....

So since I haven't told anyone I figure its high time I say that I have been admitted to the hospital for the duration of the pregnancy. Which hopefully will be about 5 1/2 more weeks. Right at my 36 week mark. My doctor is really awesome, so she is just trying to make it that far and then let things fall where they must.

The reason I was admitted was because on Monday 1/25 I went in for my usual sono and turns out my cervix was shortened by like a couple of mm from the monday prior BUT it was funneling worse than usual. So I was sent to get hook up to a machine to see how their heartbeats were and check on contractions and low and behold I was having some crazy contractions that I "should" have felt but wasn't. Which leads my doctor to believe that when I came in to see her the Friday before (1/22) and was worried about severe pressure, I could have been having them then. I was sent home on Brethine and Vistaril with a follow up on Thursday 1/28.

Thursday came around and I had a late appointment so I was HUNGRY and STARVIN because I was with my Dad and I was waiting to go eat after the appointment. Well I got the bad news at the appointment. My cervix went from 2.8 to 1.7 since monday and AGAIN while on meds I was having some pretty decent contractions but still I was not feeling them. Except for like 3 over the course of 4 hours. So I because I cant feel these contractions and because of my cervix trying to open worst than usual! I get a new home for the next few weeks!

If you were invited to the shower it IS still on. I just don't know if it will still be at the Ducan address or if it will be moved to the hospital. I have to be moved again to a new section when it opens so we are waiting to see how much room is there before deciding!

So sorry for keeping you out of the loop! I just wanted to make positively sure I was actually going to have to stay but I am! If you need anything I have internet access and my cell!!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

28 weeks tomorrow!!!

Crazy how time flies when your having....nothing to do?! Yup bedrest is the life for all of two seconds and then it drives you crazy! But good thing for me I have figured a way to keep my screams of boredom away. Before I was sent to the hospital the first time I found two of the cutest scrapbooks for our girls! Some pages where already premade so I would be able to just slide my photos in but it also made me realize how awfully ameture I am at scrapbooking. So to bide my time I have spent most of my awake moments scouring the internet for ideas and forums to learn how to better my scrapbooking ways and make my girls the best scrapbooks for them to have when they are older! I will admit that some people just are to damn good and I bought several "premade" pages that I knew in my heart I would never be able to make, but then I found myself in a shop on that has made me feel much more better about creating beautiful scrapbook pages, not spending an arm and a leg, and still allowing me to make the pages so I still feel a personal connection to the book itself. has these two wonderful ladies that have created kits of pages. Each kit comes with the page, embellishments, photo mats and titles, all you need to add is your pictures, or your own personal touch to the final product! Once explaining my perdicament about needing two "grandma" layouts (one for each girls book) they quickly came up with a plan and I ordered two different kits one being an actual grandma kit, the other being a family kit that they customized into a grandma kit at no extra charge!! The kits arrived quicker than expected and the pages are amazing!!! As I said in the review that I left at their shop site, for a person on bedrest who can't run out for something needed to finish a page, their kits are perfect! They even came with the brads!! If thats not top service I don't know what is! The price wasn't bad either! between 5 and 10 bucks you get a kit! Very nice! When you can purchase a pack of BASIC cardstock paper for 15.99 at michaels no embellishments or anything. I don't gush on shops or stores that often, but when someone does a fabulous job not once but twice I have to speak up! I have also decided that since I do have alot of time on my hands and I won't when the girls get here, why can't I make premade layouts for their books? That way when something great comes along (like easter, first smile, first bath, 4th of july) I already have the page made! Just need to add notes, and the photos!! Makes sense to me now, but we will see how it goes later! I was given permission to cheat a little on my bedrest since everything is doing so well so I saved up all my energy and some christmas cash and went to Michaels yesterday after my sono and only looked at the scrapbook isles. Which are conviently located as the first 4 isles of the store so no extra walking was needed and bought up as much as I could to make these books special! I was so excited to get started I went home and made a couple of pages =] I feel confident already about my new way of scrappin! I have even gotten someone to take all of our ultrasounds and scan them nicely onto an SD card so I can print them, and someone else has taken our sono DVD's and are creating copies so I can put them in the books as well! Hopefully technology won't have changed so much that they will be able to view them when they are older! I feel so invigorated (sp?) about the new things I will be able to do for their books!! At the beginning of this pregnancy I felt alone, horrible, sick, tired, aweful, just all around shitty. But after getting my "24-hour" sickness under control I feel a thousand times better! Things that drove me crazy before don't now. I will answer my phone (though I am still horrible at calling people back) and I feel like I have something AMAZING to look forward too! I have done a 180 and it feels great!!!
