Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Birth - Discretion is Advise

So I have had alot of people question me on how I gave birth to my girls. Most of the time it was face to face and I would give the horrid "Seriously? You really think I'm gonna tell YOU?" look...then I decided what is there to hide?

I was again recently asked how my birthing experience was because a friend of a friends cousins childs blah blah is pregnant with twins. So here ya experience from beginning to end.

I started contracting Mid-December soooo 4 months before the babies were due. I was put in the hospital over night. Then again due to contractions and my cervix deciding to dilate I was again put in the hospital for TWO nights in January. Then for a grand finale I was finally put in the hospital for the entire month of February, including the last 4 days of January, and the first 4 days of March. Contracting, cervix "widening" whatever.

Went home for three days (this is the super short version can you tell?) and went back to have my girls. I was dilated at 2cm when I arrived at the hospital at 2 pm Saturday afternoon. By roughly 3pm I was dilated to 3cm. I was giving the epidural at 5 cm at roughly 7pm (yea so I fell asleep between those 2cm and luckily for me they know you never wake a pregnant lady in labor hahaha

directly after my epidural was given my water was broken. I went BACK TO SLEEP til they checked me at 430am and I was 100% effaced, 100% Dilated, and ready to push. So I guess it was time I woke up completely...(I seriously think I could have slept thru delivery)

So at that time I was wheeled into the OR and was placed into position to give birth naturally.

Now twin mommies to be, DO NOT be surprised when you look around and see 15 people in that room with you not including your partner and doctor.

Now, be advise that I was NOT given more epidural since I was given the initial amount way back at 7pm. I don't mind, he was preoccupied with getting me to stop heaving (yea, morning sickness right up to birth, ugh thank god for massive amounts of liquid zofran)

From the time I was wheeled into the OR and wheeled back out (20+ lbs lighter I might add!) was exactly 46 minutes. Both girls came out naturally, 14 minutes apart. What helped was as soon as C was born two nurses in either side of my belly held K down and moved her to the middle so she wouldn't turn. Kinda neat i think.

I had about 10 stitches and that was it! No NICU for the girls, LOTS of rest for me. I was back to sleep minutes after reaching my labor room. Needless to say my experience isn't all exciting as people might think. I did finally get some pain medicine at some point. But that was the last time because even the stitches didn't bother me enough to take even Tylenol. High pain tolerance for me came very apparent after all this!

So theres my birth story laid out in detail. I'm so glad I had my husband, mom, dad, and my friends Erin and Autry there with me! Even if I was out of it 90% of the time lol

Six months later the girls are doing wonderfully and I have to say they are the best things in the world to ever happen to me! <3

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