Sunday, August 29, 2010

A little late...

Sale alert, after the sale.... =(

I know I'm horrible! I should be blogging away to you ABOUT the sale, instead of well...attending the sale! But in all fairness I didn't purchase A THING! =] Be proud!

Here go two wonderful recipts I got my hands on!!

Ok one...because I can't find the other! But, I will tell you the gist of what that one said after the following!

Items purchased from JC Penneys:

1 Carters Interlock Slipper Pink (aka Pajamas) Reg Price 14.00$
1 Carters Interlock Slipper Pink Reg Price 14.00$
1 Carters Interlock Slipper Purple Reg Price 14.00$
1 Carters Interlock Slipper Purple Reg Price 14.00$

Ok, this is a SIMPLER purchase so keep up cause I'm cutting back on my typing =]

Each set of Pjs cost 14.00$ reg. They were on sale upon arrival with a discount of 6.01$ on each set. PLUS, if you spend over 25.00$ you get 10.00$ off the entire purchase, so add to the intial discount another discount of 2.50$ bringing the grand discount total of 8.51$ off EACH set of Pjs. Thus, bringing the total for EACH set to 5.49$.

Subtotal: 21.96
Tax: 1.81

TOTAL 23.77$

Total Savings 34.04!!! WOOT!!!

Second Recipe that I have seen, but cant remember the exact bare with me!

Sterling silver bracelets with leather cords regularly 35.00$ on sale for 9.99$!

Buy 3 at 10 dollars and you have spent a subtotal of 30 dollars. Take away the 10 dollars by using the coupon listed above (get with me honey and you can have dozens of coupons!) Brings the subtotal 20 dollars plus tax brings us to a grand-ish total of 23 dollars and change!!!


See, who knew shopping could be fabulous and cheap!!!


Hearty Chicken Noodle Casserole

This is a have to share moment =]


3 cups cooked and drained egg noodles
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 cup Milk
1/4 cup parmesan grated cheese
1 cup frozen mixed veggies
1/2 tsp pepper
1 bag of shredded cheese

In a 9x13 pan mix all but the shredded cheese!! Top with a heeping helping of shredded cheese and bake in the over for 15-20 minutes at 400 degrees!! You can also vary the amount of the ingredients to your liking!!!

I usually use about 5 or more cups of noodles because...well I LOVE noodles!! Its great reheated from the freezer, and its so quick and cheap you can make it often!! Eat up!!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Time to Make CHANGES!

So I have been thinking...not lately, I ALWAYS think...just happens that today of all days I decide I want to talk about this thinking thing of mine.

I think I might actually begin to blog again. Yes AGAIN I have said I will do this and it may or may not last (because we all know I can be busy at times) but at least I know that I have giving up twice before and I'm not trying to hide behind it.

The girls are getting so big now that they are starting to get out of their nap nannies. Thus, I have taken it upon myself to start and finally get their nusery ready! They have been in our room long enough! I have picked out the paint (pink - Saltwater Taffy from Valspar to be exact) with a creamy off white for the edges and doors! Can you tell Im excited?

I'm also thinking about posting about all my ways to save. Like lets see....

ohh see this outfit....

Ok, I bought TWO of these this past Thursday from Bealls. They are regularly 28.00$ a piece. I spent 13.72$ How you might ask? Here I go...
They were on sale when I arrived for 30% off = 19. and change because everyone knows I don't do math.
So I come baring aother 30% coupon! (luckily I had my trusted side kick my Mommy :) who also came baring Achem...another 30% coupon ehehe)
So, are we clear, already 30% off, plus my 30% off coupon = 60% off which is around 13. and change.
THEN! I was lucky enough to have come on the day before tax free day and was able to get 20% off on top of all that!
again....30% plus my 30% plus 20% equals my grand total of 80% off so after buying TWO of these I spent 13.72$!
I bought 3-6 month sizes so of course my little bits cannot pose in them just yet, but I will post pictures later! =]