Sunday, September 26, 2010

Is it just me??

Is it just me, or am I asking a bit to much of people?

Ok so you cant really answer that til I explain what led me to ask that so heres the story...

My girls are TINY. Like Im betting that one of my friends baby that was born just a wee two weeks ago weights more than both of them (not combine, just more than the heaviest of the two) I've been told to be careful of them getting sick (DUH) and staying away from people that feel "bad" etc. The NORMAL things moms hear from a doctor.

So is it asking to much for the people who see them the most and want to love and cuddle them to get their Flu and Pertussis Shots?

My Answer: HELL NO

I have asked VERY NICELY for people to get their flu shot and when they do IF THEY WANT TO SEE THEM IN THE FOLLOWING TWO WEEKS AFTER THE SHOT to get the Inactive version... (if they want the active, which supposedly is better, then expect me to say absolutely no visits for 2 wks)

Did they listen?? NO.

So they show up and cuddle the girls and THEN tell me..."Well I didnt know there were two different kinds" Like we didnt have this conversation just 3 days prior to them going under the needle...pssh.

Wouldn't it have been really important information for me to know that you even got the shot in the first place?? Only then would I have had the frame of mind to ask if it was active or inactive! And if she didn't know the answer she would have ample time to find out which one she got!

So NOW I have to worry about my little girls getting the flu which USUALLY leads to Pneumonia in small children and the person who brought this into our home DOES NOT CARE. Or if she does shows a HUGE lack of emotion.

And...I guess in a huge lack of "no brains at all" my husband of all people doesn't seem to show the slightest care or concern about this at all! HELLO?!

So again I ask, is it me or am I asking a bit to much of people?


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