Sunday, March 28, 2010

4 wks worth of updates! =]

Sooo last we spoke we had just had our baby shower and I had just gotten released from the hospital to spend the remainder of my pregnancy at home! That was Feb 25th! Since then ALOT has happened.

On Monday March 1st we did another sonogram and Callie was soooo far down that they couldn't even measure her head accurately! That night I ended up going into the hospital after talking to the on call doctor because I was feeling some pretty serious contractions. After 3 hours of no dilatation they sent me back home! That Friday (March 5th) we had yet another sono and still could not get an accurate measurement on Callie and I felt MISERABLE! So David and I trudged on over to my doctors office and pulled out my pouty face. I felt horrible, I couldn't sit comfy, and the contractions sucked. So my doctor asked if I could still fell them moving around and I hadn't really felt Callie moving (and shes our soccer player!) for a few days so she winked and said if I didn't feel her by that evening at the earliest or the following day just go to the hospital and tell the on call doctor that if I am not dilating that she wants me to stay til Monday and she would induce me then. So I gave myself 24 hours and just took my time packing my hospital bag and loaded up and went to the hospital. They hooked me up to the machine and we just hung out. In two hours I went from 1cm to 3cm and the on call doctor said the best words a person in my perdicament could here, we are having babies tonight!! WOOOHOOO!!!!

I was transferred to a labor room, given an epidural, my water was broken and I fell alseep from 3cm to 7 hahaha

By the next day our two baby girls were born! At 35 wks and 4 days and delivered vaginally! WOOTWOOT!

Neither of them had to go to the NICU and they were able to come home two days after delivery!

Since then we have had our 2 wk appointment with the ped dr and they have done really well! Katherine was unable to get her shots when we were at the hospital due to her size, and she still did not recieve her shots at the 2wk appointment due to the same reason, but we have another appt this tuesday for weight check and hopefully she can get her shots then. We have only had 2 sleepless nights but that has been it! From the get go they slept anywhere from 3 to 4 1/2 hours between feedings and now they are up to 6 or so hours, and have gone from eating less than 2oz to at the most 3 1/4oz. They are both still in preemie diapers and clothes (though Callie is a few days from moving to newborn clothes). I am breastfeeding (mostly pumping but all the same!) So everything is going quiet well! More updates to happen later!! Love you!!

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