Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pregnancy Pains

So I have come to realize that I have changed ALOT since the beginning of this pregnancy. Not only pysically but mentally as well. Should I worry? Probably not but of course it being me I will. I have come to the realization that right now I just do not like people. I cannot stand to be in crowds, I cannot stand to be squished in a small room with more than two other people no matter if ten more can fit easily, I HATE having someone looking over my shoulder especially when I am eatting (only one person has done this but I really needed to get that one off my chest or I will wind up screaming at that person later), just being in public over all just really gets me aggitated. I hate that too. I use to LOVE being around people. In Elgin I would constantly want to have Tracy and Lauren or Julz and Rick over just to be around people. Now, I would rather stay away from people even when they are family. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't happen but maybe 95% of the time, sometimes I actually take the initive to get ready and demand that I get out of the house, but that happens very rarely. And commericals....don't even get my started on commericals. Who came up with those anyway? I spend most of my TV time muting the TV so I don't have to listen to awful commericals. David HATES it haha. And to just make matters worse, I miss my husband. Not that he has gone anywhere, he is still here! Its just I am still in pain from my hips and legs that sleeping in my bed with my husband is not an option. (sleeping in that bed without him isn't an option either.....its a really uncomfortable bed...ugh) So I have spent the last two and a half weeks (or more...lost count) sleeping on the couch in the living room where even though I still have pain I can toss and turn without waking david up, and the pain seems to not wake me up as often. I really wish we hadn't have packed the recliner in the back of the POD....In other news though, David and I will be going to Babies R Us soon to start getting ready to make our registries. I really want to be hands on when it comes to the stroller and car seat because I have options of in-line or next to each other strollers but I also want something that I won't be standing in a parking lot for a half hour trying to get it put together. The girls are starting to kick out which is cute! They are leaving my bladder alone! hahaha! Layla likes to come lay right up next to my belly or on top and they kick her but she doesn't seem to mind to much. Maybe she doesn't feel it yet but she will be a good big sister, i can tell!! =]


1 comment:

  1. Take my advice and use what you like. I would go with the Baby Trend infant seats and the twins stroller. The baby trend carseats were the only car seat a couple of years ago that passed not only the EPAs 30mph tests but also consumer reports 70mph ratings. I dunno about you, but I would rather be safe at 70mph than just 30. And I have their sit-n-stand double and it is SO lightweight and easy to manuver. The twins stroller is very similar except both of the carseats just snap right into the skeleton. If you're going to go with a convertible seat I would highly recommend the Britax Marathon or Boulevard although with twins you might be more comfy with them in infant seats since the convertible seats have a rating of at least 5lbs and you just never know. Also with infant seats you just snap them in and out of the base and don't have to take a sleeping baby out to put them into a stroller.

    As for the wanting to be alone...that's a pregnancy thing. I was like a hermit during certain periods of my pregnancy. Your brain is dealing with hormone overload and you are trying to wrap your brain around bringing home two new people that YOU are going to have to raise. That's a big responsibility and though it's going to come natural to you (I know this b/c you have the heart of a true caregiver), it's only natural to feel a little overwhelmed. And as for being annoyed by silly things...that's hormones.

    I'm glad the nausea is subsiding. I can relate. With Anderson I was sick through the end and it SUCKED. Especially when at 7mo pregnnat we moved 9hrs away in a single cab truck. Can you say nausea?

    Ok....if I didn't cover it all just email me.

    <3 YOU!
